Social Studies
Icons and Symbols of India: National Insignia, National Emblem, Sports, Animal etc. (Elementary awareness of Such symbols)
Major Religions of India (Elementary awareness about founder, place of origin, Religious books and important ideas)
Art and Culture (Music, Classical and Folk Dance); Renowned Personalities, Instrumental and Vocal Music, Major Dance Forms
Defence (Equivalent Ranks in three services, Weapons, Aircraft, Missiles & Warships (Elementary awareness))
Historical Monuments
Shape of Earth and Gravitation (Basic concepts)
Functions of Body Parts of Plants and Animals
Life of Farmers (Farming techniques)
Tribal Communities and Forest Produce
Traditional Water Harvesting Techniques
Concepts on Mountain Terrain and Lifestyle
Food, Culture, Habitat, Languages etc of various regions (Basic concepts)
Natural Calamities (Flood and Earthquake)
International Organizations: Basic knowledge about structure, Functioning and objectives of United Nations, World Bank etc.